Multi-sectional condensate collector

Multi-sectional condensate collector ÒÑ-SKM


It is designed for condensate collection from heat exchange equipment, cooling of CHP feed condensates and ammonia condensate to the set temperature. Condensate collection is made accordingly to the principle of approximately equal potentials, the cooling is stepped. It is used during sugar beet processing and raw sugar processing. The number of sections depends on condensate temperature supplied on deaerators of CHP and can vary from 5 to 12.


Structural features

Correspondence with specific operational conditions, namely: high temperatures, operation under the pressure (vacuum), possibility of hydraulic shock during start-up period, irregularity of condensate income from the heat exchange equipment.

Simplicity and reliability of separating devices for condensate distribution in sections of the collector.

Simplicity of mounting and of heat insulating works execution.

Convenient system of condensate level visual control.

Possibility of adaptation to the local mounting conditions and of the piping fitting in conditions of complex supply.

Possibility to manufacture two separate multi-sectional collectors for feeding and ammonia condensates or in other variants.



Automatic mode of condensate levels maintenance.

Total automation of condensates collection, cooling and distribution



Feed condensate cooling for CHP in accordance with the temperature operational mode of the deaerators.

Providing the ammonia condensate for process loads.

Prevention of condensate losses through the steam discharge tube lines by multi-stage condensates temperature decreasing.



Effective use of heat and power resources due to reliable condensates discharge from the heat exchange equipment. The use of condensates heat as secondary energy sources in the form of: self-steam vapour at the evaporation plant, heat-transfer agent for products heating in heat exchangers and feed water for CHP and extraction plants.

Reduction of technical water consumption due to the use of ammonia condensates for technological needs.

Minimal requirements for maintenance as well as in operational and in repair period.



Capacity of the factory, t beet/day

2 000 – 12 000

Number of sections (depending on type of deaerator and temperature mode of evaporation plant), pcs.

5 – 12

Outer diameter, mm

1 200 – 2 200